ATTENTION: Followers of Jesus ready for breakthrough and miracles…
reclaim your God-given authority over the land 
It’s Time To Bring Forth God’s Plans and
Purposes in Your Life & Nation
I Speak to the Earth
The replay for the webinar with Dr. Francis Myles
“I Speak to the Earth” 
will be posted here soon
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the full replay for the webinar with Dr. Francis Myles
I Speak to the Earth
(Note: This video includes the Q&A in the latter part)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the replay for the webinar with Dr. Francis Myles:
“I Speak to the Earth”
(Note: This video does not include the Q&A)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the replay for the webinar with Dr. Francis Myles:
“I Speak to the Earth”
(Note: This video does not include the Q&A)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
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Dr. Francis Myles
Read This Before 
Going ANY Further
From the Desk of Dr. Francis Myles
Franklin, TN
Did you know God handed over the keys to His divine resource center — the earth — when He created man and woman in Genesis 1?

God designed the earth as a living entity, teeming with abundance to provide everything you need — and He gave YOU dominion over it.

When you learn how to speak to the earth with Godly wisdom and strategy, you wield the authority to call forth extreme blessing and breakthrough.
Speaking to the earth is a concept that has been distorted by counterfeit spiritual authority — but its roots are biblically ancient in nature and its practice has the power to completely transform your life, the land to which you are called, and so much more.

These are some of the real-life outcomes of one of the most underrated spiritual technologies God has given mankind to exercise dominion over the earth:
  • Debts cancelled
  • Curses reversed
  • Dictators removed
  • ​Prosperity released
  • ​Deliverance received
  • ​Lands healed
farmer holding crop
It’s time to take back your God-given authority and unlock the abundant resources God has sown into creation so you can walk in His breakthrough and fulfill your unique destiny.

If you are ready to discover the scriptural importance of speaking to the earth, hear radical testimonies that will ignite your faith, and personally experience the groundbreaking effects that come from this powerful practice, I invite you to join me in…
I Speak to the Earth
I Speak to the Earth
Releasing Prosperity to Fulfill Your
God-Given Destiny
13-Lesson Class with Dr. Francis Myles
Have you ever felt like there was a blockage preventing you from fulfilling your destiny?

Have you noticed how some people seem to achieve their callings with ease, while others struggle just to survive?
  • How would you like to be so in step with the Father that you hear His voice, sense His Presence, and feel His love 24/7?
  • What if you could eliminate striving and simply flow in full assurance of the Father’s adoration and approval?
  • What if you were so infused with God’s love that you “leaked”?
What if I told you that speaking to the very earth beneath your feet is not only biblical, but a crucial element to walking out the prosperous destiny God has prepared for you?

This is because God created the earth as a living entity to bring forth fruit, and He gave it to mankind to exercise dominion.

New agers understand this concept well, but because they operate in counterfeit spiritual authority, most Christians avoid (or condemn) the concept entirely.

But this authority we’ve been given is extremely powerful, and when used with Godly wisdom, it can transform your life, the land to which you are called, and the people surrounding that land.

As children of God, we must learn to reclaim our God-given authority over the land and speak to the earth to bring it in submission to God’s plans and purposes — for His glory!
walking on dirt
In his upcoming class, Dr. Francis Myles will biblically unpack the concept of speaking to the earth, why it is deeply connected to your individual destiny, and how to partner with God to see miraculous breakthrough in your life, region, and nation!
In this class, you will learn:
  • That the earth is not just dead dirt, but rather it is a living entity programmed by God to hear and respond to your voice
  • How to speak to the earth with faith to release the authority Jesus redeemed for you
  • ​Why the earth is a divine resource center and how to access those resources to fulfill your destiny
  • The mystery behind buying and selling real estate supernaturally
  • The laws of dominion and territory that will release you to command the earth to bring forth the fruit prepared by God for you
  • 5 Ancient Spiritual Keys for redeeming and healing the land
  • ​How to release your destiny fulfillment by understanding the unbreakable spiritual connection between land and destiny
  • ​How to address the Courts of Heaven first to release the prosperity of the earth that has been apportioned to you
  • ​Specific spiritual protocols behind the prophetic act of speaking to the earth
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Class Lessons
Overview of the “I Speak to the Earth
13-Lesson Class

Course description by Dr. Francis Myles

Nothing is more life-changing than revelation from the Lord, and the concept of speaking to the earth — while biblically ancient in nature — is the result of a powerful revelation from God about mankind’s purpose. As you discover the purpose of this class and your God-given dominion, you will be prepared to learn how to bring the earth into alignment with the Kingdom of God.
Lesson 1: Contending with Witchcraft in Africa
While on his deathbed, Dr. Myles received a powerful encounter from the Lord that led to his miraculous healing and laid the groundwork for this class. Hear his story, what the Lord revealed to him about reversing the curse of witchcraft over his body, and why speaking to the earth is one of the most underrated spiritual technologies God has given man to assume dominion over the earth. This lesson will unpack the importance of taking authority over the land you came from so you can fulfill your God-given destiny in that land. 

Preview: Lesson 1

Lesson 2: Earth: A Divine Resource Center
Everything — the house you live in, the car you drive, the clothes on your back, and the phone in your pocket, and more — is derived from natural resources found in the earth. This lesson will open your eyes to the sheer genius behind God’s plan to provide all of mankind access to prosperity, fullness, and abundance. Scarcity was never part of God’s design for you, your family, or your nation. Once you begin to view the earth as a divine resource center created by God for your benefit, you will understand the tremendous value in not only stewarding the earth, but calling it into submission to help you carry out your calling.

Preview: Lesson 2

Lesson 3: Speaking to the Earth
The creation story is teeming with examples where God spoke to the earth to bring forth light, vegetation, living creatures, and more. As His image bearers, we are also called to speak to the earth to bring forth prosperity. That’s why God gave mankind dominion over the earth. In this lesson, you’ll learn about this transfer of authority from God to man, what to do if witchcraft has been worked against you, and activation principles for speaking to the earth with faith and holy anticipation.

Preview: Lesson 3

Lesson 4: Man’s Dominion Over Earth
How are you stewarding Mamlaka, the gift of dominion? God may own the earth, but it says in Psalm 115:16 that He has given the earth to the children of men. It’s important to understand how to wield this authority through the power of your words, because it wasn’t just granted to believers like you — it was given to ALL people. While those with evil intentions sow seeds that curse the earth, YOU are called to sow seeds of love and blessing that will bear fruit. This lesson will unpack the four components of Mamlaka so you understand the purposes and power behind speaking to the earth.

Preview: Lesson 4

Lesson 5: Earth: The First Witness
The earth is the first witness to sin, injustice, bloodshed, and covenants (made & broken), and it responds accordingly. This means the earth will be the first witness to your obedience or disobedience to God, which is why your words and actions are so important. In this lesson, you will discover biblical examples of this truth, plus how to respond to famines, droughts, natural disasters, recurring tragedies like suicide, and more. You will also learn the first key to redeeming the land — repentance.
Lesson 6: The Earth’s Face and Mouth
The earth is not to be worshipped (as many new agers do), but it does have the feminine qualities of a mother that are important to note and understand. As believers, we are called to treat the earth as an instrument of the Kingdom that can work with us to advance God’s plans and purposes. In this lesson, you’ll examine the story of Cain and Abel, learn what happens when innocent blood is shed upon the earth, uncover the functions of the earth’s face, mouth, and womb, and discover how to apply the blood of Jesus Christ to bring healing to the land.
Lesson 7: Mother Earth: Vomiting and Swallowing 
When God deposited a seed (His word) into the womb of the earth, the earth brought forth the full manifestation of grass, trees, animals, and more. This lesson unpacks the two fundamental features of “Mother Earth” — vomiting and swallowing — and gives both scriptural examples and personal testimonies to support them. As you realize how the earth can both give birth to blessings and swallow up problems, you’ll be equipped to speak to the earth according to the will of God, yielding incredible fruit.
Lesson 8: Redeeming the Land
The earth will bear witness to the spiritual condition of its people, which is why we experience barrenness, droughts, pests, plagues, and natural disasters. But — just as the inhabitants of the earth can bring sickness and defilement to the land, they can also partner with God to bring healing and redemption. In this lesson, you’ll discover the 7 steps in King Solomon’s apostolic protocol for healing the land, and how to apply them today. This deep dive into the process for redemption will awaken your spirit to the powerful ways you are called to partner with Jesus to see the earth cleansed, healed, and restored.
Lesson 9: Jesus Redeems the Earth
Jesus’s blood shed on the cross broke the curse that was operating because of Adam and Eve’s sin, making it possible for you to fulfill your destiny in the earth today. As the salt of the earth, you were designed to establish the power, principle, and culture of the Kingdom of God. This means when you prophesy to the earth, you bring the earth into subjection to God’s plans and purposes. This lesson walks through the three components of the ancient curse from Genesis 3, how Jesus’ blood broke this curse of toil and sweat once and for all, and God’s ultimate design for the earth and for you.
the cross in a field
Lesson 10: Buying and Selling Land
Did you know that you are called to a specific piece of land, and your destiny is tied to that location? Abraham, the Israelites — even Jesus — were all called to a specific destination. Once you identify where you are called, owning land or real estate is the first step to establishing Godly dominion on the earth. Don’t let money hold you back — when you are supernaturally aligned with God, you don’t necessarily need a lot of capital to buy land. This lesson will reveal God’s desire for His children, how to partner with Him for supernatural property deals, plus stirring testimonies to build your faith!
Lesson 11: Speaking to Creation
What God-inspired words could YOU sow into creation? Speaking to the earth involves far more than just speaking to dirt. God has given you authority over all creation — which includes the earth, moon, stars, snow, hail, rain, thunder, clouds, lightning, and even time. This lesson unpacks powerful examples from Scripture that will ignite your spirit to partner with God in new ways to establish His Kingdom and His will.
Lesson 12: The Relationship between Land and Destiny 
Do you know what land you are called to inhabit? Even if you are already living in the correct land, you must not neglect the critical next step: speaking to the land to release your destiny. This lesson examines the lives of several people from the Bible, demonstrates how specific land is deeply connected to a person’s destiny, and teaches you how to prosper in the land to which you were called.
farmer and granddaughter picking apples
Lesson 13: Understanding the Prayer of Activation
Faith without works is dead. In this lesson, Dr. Myles will walk you through a powerful time of prayer and declaration to practically activate the principles you learned throughout this transformative class. As you speak to the earth with Godly authority and confident expectation, be prepared to experience increased prosperity to fulfill your God-given destiny!
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How this class Works
Dr. Francis Myles has pre-recorded the 13 lessons in this class, so you may watch the videos and complete the assignments at your convenience.

Each lesson is about 40 minutes long, with a time of teaching and practical application.
The 13 main lessons:
  • Introduction
  • ​Lesson 1: Contending with Witchcraft in Africa
  • ​Lesson 2: Earth: A Divine Resource Center
  • ​Lesson 3: Speaking to the Earth
  • ​Lesson 4: Man’s Dominion over Earth
  • ​Lesson 5: Earth: The First Witness
  • ​Lesson 6: The Earth’s Face and Mouth
  • ​Lesson 7: Mother Earth: Vomiting and Swallowing
  • ​Lesson 8: Redeeming the Land
  • ​Lesson 9: Jesus Redeems the Earth
  • ​Lesson 10: Buying and Selling Land
  • ​Lesson 11: Speaking to Creation
  • ​Lesson 12: The Relationship between Land and Destiny
  • ​Lesson 13: Understanding the Prayer of Activation
Each lesson includes:
  • An in-depth video teaching
  • ​An MP3 audio recording
  • ​A study guide
  • ​A transcript
I Speak to the Earth
3 LIVE Interactive Q&A sessions with small group breakouts:
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–4 (Thurs, Feb 16 at 4:00 p.m. Eastern)
    • ​LIVE Q&A for Lessons 5–8 (Thurs, Mar 2 at 4:00 p.m. Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 9–13 (Thurs, Mar 16 at 4:00 p.m. Eastern)
    As you work through the video lessons, you will likely think of questions for Dr. Myles. These 3 LIVE sessions provide a great space for you process with others in the class and hear Dr. Myles answer member questions.

    It’s okay if you are unable to join a LIVE session, because we will post the replays in the class member area.

    As a member, you will have LIFETIME access to video and audio replays, transcripts, study guides, and relevant bonus resources to reinforce and supplement what you are learning in each session.

    You can easily participate in this training from the comfort of your own home, your office, or wherever you happen to be in the world! All you need is a phone, tablet, or computer with a reasonably fast internet connection.
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    You’ll also receive the following
    58% Cash Savings
    The normal retail price for this 13-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&As and all associated resources is $950. However, you receive a $550 savings, making your price only $400.
    Cash Savings
    68% Cash Savings
    (Must sign up by February 4)
    The normal retail price for this 13-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&As and all associated resources is $950. However, you receive a $650 savings, making your price only $300.
    Cash Savings
    The Consciousness of Now — Key to Stress Free Living
    Teaching with Dr. Francis Myles
    (Must sign up by FEBRUARY 4)
    What happens when you live enslaved to the past?
    What happens when you live in fear of the future? 

    All stress comes from only two sources: the measure of rule you give to the past, and the measure of rule you give to the future. God created time but He does not live in it and is not defined by it — His time is always “now.” Whether you are dwelling on yesterday or worrying about tomorrow, you're missing out on connection with God NOW.

    In this bonus teaching, you will:
    • Unwrap the mystery of how God makes all things beautiful in His time
    • ​Learn what it means to have eternity planted in your heart
    • ​Discover how both your past and your future collapse into the “now” - where God resides
    • ​Gain keys to eliminating stress from your life
    • ​Understand how to stop postponing miracles by cultivating a “now” faith
    bonus teaching
    bonus class
    The Spirit of Divine Interception
    3-Lesson Class with Dr. Francis Myles
    (Must sign up by January 31)
    What would it look like to CLEARLY operate in both the natural and spiritual realms simultaneously? 
    What if you could hear the plans in the spirit realm and know how to respond in the physical realm?

    Jesus modeled this brilliantly during His time on earth. He knew just how to pray, act, and respond. 

    In this powerful three-part teaching, Dr. Francis Myles unpacks:
    • How to properly connect to Heaven and effectively utilize the technology of divine interception
    • ​Why God wants to intercept your life by directing you in the marketplace and beyond
    • ​The importance of clearing your filters and lenses so that you can discern God’s voice
    Lessons include:
    • Lesson 1: A Parallel Universe
    • ​Lesson 2: Disasters in Commerce
    • ​Lesson 3: Lens and Filters
    I Speak to the Earth: Releasing Prosperity
    PDF Book by Dr. Francis Myles
    (Must sign up by January 28)
    Many of you are settling for so much less than God intended when He transferred dominion over the earth to mankind in the Garden of Eden.

    In his book, Dr. Francis Myles explores an ancient biblical mystery concerning the earth that will transform your life—speaking to the earth.

    As you uncover this proven spiritual prescription that heals land and establishes God’s Kingdom, you will be restored to the place of dominion and authority that God always intended for you.

    bonus book
    bonus teaching
    Overthrowing the Evil Altar of the King of Fallen Time
    Teaching with Dr. Francis Myles
    (Must sign up by January 25)
    Time is not your god — it’s your instrument.

    Time — a created structure to house the days, years, and seasons — is neutral territory. However, most Christians aren’t aware of their God-given dominion and authority over time, and the enemy knows how to use this to his advantage. As a result, your time has been compromised, and is in need of God’s redemption.

    In this fascinating teaching, you will learn how to redeem the time by stepping into your authority, receiving God’s power, and overthrowing the altar of the king of fallen time.
    79% Cash Savings
    (Must sign up by January 23)
    The normal retail price for this 13-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&As and all associated resources is $950. However, you receive a $750 savings, making your price only $200.
    Cash Savings
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    Awesome Testimonies
    This class is fertile ground for your seed and life!
    I never realized the actual power the Lord has given us to take dominion. The enemy has kept this treasure hidden from us but no more. I am full of joyful expectations. — A.D.

    As a farmer I have known for a long time that the earth has living biology in the soil. However, speaking to the earth to release provision, or however else the Holy Spirit would lead was a new revelation. I most certainly will be starting in this. — J.C.

    The things Dr. Myles shared will truly revolutionize the way I think about spiritual authority on Earth, and I believe this is a message every Christians need to hear and understand in the times we live in! — G.T.
    WOW so much wisdom! I feel hope that I can change my life, my family’s life and people around me. — R.L.

    I was blown away about the earth being a “living entity” and that it was created to be resource for us. It just opened the Genesis story evern wider for me. — K.A.

    I feel hopeful again for my own circumstances! This webinar has revived me to press through & fight the good fight of faith with this new valuable tool! I am so grateful Dr. Myles! — N.D.

    ...You have handed me today a valuable key of the Kingdom — L.W
    Summary OF wHAT yOU gET
    summary of what you get
    13-lesson training ($650 value)
    • Introduction
    • Lesson 1: Contending with Witchcraft in Africa
    • ​Lesson 2: Earth: A Divine Resource Center
    • Lesson 3: Speaking to the Earth
    • Lesson 4: Man’s Dominion over Earth
    • Lesson 5: Earth: The First Witness
    • Lesson 6: The Earth’s Face and Mouth
    • Lesson 7: Mother Earth: Vomiting and Swallowing
    • ​Lesson 8: Redeeming the Land
    • Lesson 9: Jesus Redeems the Earth
    • Lesson 10: Buying and Selling Land
    • Lesson 11: Speaking to Creation
    • Lesson 12: The Relationship between Land and Destiny
    • Lesson 13: Understanding the Prayer of Activation
    3 LIVE interactive Q&A sessions ($300 value)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–4 (Thurs, Feb 16 at 4 p.m. Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 5–8 (Thurs, Mar 30 at 4 p.m. Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 9–13 (Thurs, Mar 14 at 4 p.m. Eastern)
    • 58% savings: $400 instead of $950
    • 68% savings: $300 instead of $950 (sign up by Feb 4)
    • The Consciousness of Now — Key to Stress Free Living — Teaching (sign up by Feb 4)
    • The Spirit of Divine Interception — 3-Lesson Class (sign up by Jan 31)
    • I Speak to the Earth: Releasing Prosperity — PDF Book (sign up by Jan 28)
    • Overthrowing the Evil Altar of the King of Fallen Time — Teaching (sign up by Jan 25)
    • 78% savings: $200 instead of $950 (sign up by Jan 23)
    Additional benefits
    • LIFETIME class access
    • ​Video replays
    • ​MP3 audio
    • ​Transcripts
    • ​Study guides
    The Empower 2000 Guarantee
    This life-transforming class will empower you to partner with God to see miraculous breakthrough in your life, region, and nation.

    If you are not delighted with the training and the results you experience, simply email us within 30 days of when the class starts and we will either reconcile the problem or gladly refund all your money.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Guaranteed!
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    I Speak to the Earth
    I Speak to the Earth
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    Special BONUS Offer! I want to sponsor myself and 6 other people for the I Speak to the Earth class!
    And receive a personal 45-minute Zoom call with Dr. Francis Myles in addition to all the class bonuses and benefits.
    Prior to enrolling, please review our Class Cancellation Policy.
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    Blessings to partner with God to see miraculous breakthrough!
    Dr. Myles
    Dr. Francis Myles
    Francis Myles International
    Dr. Francis Myles
    Dr. Francis Myles, a native of Zambia, had a powerful divine healing encounter with Jesus Christ. Since then, he has seen thousands of people healed through his crusades and meetings. Known as a great “revelator,” Dr. Myles has been gifted with biblical insight and revelation into many hidden mysteries of the Word. He has created The Order of Melchizedek Supernatural School of Ministry and is the author of The Order of Melchizedek and many other books. Dr. Myles is also the founder of Marketplace Bible International, designed to help Christians apply biblical principles to the marketplace. He and his wife, Carmela Real, reside in Franklin, TN.
    I Speak to the Earth
    Copyright 2023 Empower 2000. All rights reserved.